Monday, October 6, 2008

Ok update time

OK so this is an update on how i am doing. Since i last posted i failed the typing test for the job i wanted (but its cool), i have an interview at GUESS where!!!! yup back to MACY'S. So things were looking up for me when i posted last but it kinda took a different turn i dont want to say for the worst because i feel it will pay off in the end. So yeah i am not talking to that guy anymore because someone that knew him informed me he had a boyfriend. He neither denied or apoligized for playing games and was like he would offer me his friendship instead. So yeah he is out the picture i dont have the time to deal with him and his BS. As i was on youtube i came across a video that knocked me to my sense's and made me realize that i just need to work on myself and that person i am meant for will find me. Its from Madea goes to jail and it is very true.


PRIMO said...

Yeah That was Most definitely the truth right there.... If they wanna be free let em fly. I Love that play.

& Christian Keyes Is Fine.

fuzzy said...

i tell you this video slapped the hell shit and good taste outta me! DAMN, good post man! I need to find me a good root! I could use 2 more...

Jersey Brotha said...

Madea was tellin it right!

Unknown said...

Firt time at the blog I likes. Yeah don't deal with b/s and i love that Madea.

Ty said...

Words of wisdom from the mother. lol