Monday, April 21, 2008

who are we?

"If you rely on us to do everything for you are you yourself or are you just us? And by us helping you all the time who the hell are we?"

I know people are going to read this and be like what the hell but it is just how i was feeling about my friend


fuzzy said...

I think I have a feeling I know you are talking about.

People use ocassional help and appreciate it. Constant gelp may be viewed as a crutch and used to often making the person dependant on that help. I hope your friend can get it together soon...

ShawnQt said...

this quote is mad confusing! LOL
Let me re read it and try again...

Ok I re read it, and ALL OF US ARE ONE, we just think we are seperate from each other. Its like GOD is a person and we are the little atoms, lol.

With all the things that we do? What does that make GOD? hmmmm

Promiscuous X said...

Happy Birthday Reggie...I forgot to text you . SOrry

Ty said...

Wow. I'm so behind. I didn't even know that you had a boyfriend. Umm... I need to get back in the mix.